Antti Ahonen photography-blog
torstai 29. lokakuuta 2015
New stuff with Meri Hietala online

maanantai 26. lokakuuta 2015
keskiviikko 11. helmikuuta 2015

Two projects I have been working on are exhibited at Gallery Oksasenkatu 11 open call exhibition.
(english follows)
Galleria Oksasenkatu 11
avoinna ti-pe 15-19 la-su 13-17
tervetuloa Avajaisiin keskiviikkona 18.2 klo 18-20!
Ensimmäisessä Open Call -näyttelyhaussa etsimme teoksia, joiden syntymisessä performanssin akti oli ollut olennainen osa työskentelyprosessia. Etsimme teoksia, jotka olivat saaneet alkunsa performanssin inspiroimana, ja joissa esityksen jälki oli tavalla tai toisella johtanut uuteen teokseen.
Näyttely esittelee erilaisia lähestymistapoja aiheeseen.
Open Call 1 taiteilijat:
Liisa Ahlfors / Outimaija Hakala / Meri Hietala ja Antti Ahonen / Katri Kainulainen ja Antti Ahonen / Karolina Kucia / Maximilian Latva / Pia Männikkö / Tuomo Rainio
open tue-fri at 3-7pm, sat-sun at 1-5pm
Welcome to the opening wednesday 18th of February at 6-8pm!
In the first open call we were looking for artworks in which an act of performance had been a vital part of the working process. We were looking for work that had been inspired by a performance, resulting in a new piece of art - for example, an installation, text, a drawing, a cartoon or audio work.
The exhibition shows different ways to approach the subject.
Open Call 1 artists:
Liisa Ahlfors / Outimaija Hakala / Meri Hietala ja Antti Ahonen / Katri Kainulainen ja Antti Ahonen / Karolina Kucia / Maximilian Latva / Pia Männikkö / Tuomo Rainio
tiistai 13. toukokuuta 2014

I was visiting a friend of mine in the countryside, and last nigt the lady of the house said she has an idea for the portrait. Since she is a very busy lady, and I was leaving next day there was very little time for this. So in the morning after her busy morning things she took me to the darkest attic and started to search for the pose she wanted.
I do not know if she found exactly what she wanted, but for a 15min set in the dark without any lights I think it is pretty good. BW straight out of camera and straight to the facebook.
Hope we will have more time for photography next time, I allways liked her style.
lauantai 3. toukokuuta 2014
Waste expedition to Kuusankoski
I was wrapping up the Aave festival in a bar, and then another and another until it was five AM in the morning. That was when I realized that I have to be at the Pixelache Waste expedition at 10.
OK, it is not super early, but post-festival monday is a very spesific day. Documenting a festival allways requires crazy amount of work, some amount of drinking and very little sleeping, so usyally day or two for resting afterwards would be nice.
But well waste expedition was very nice as well. I really love trash, visit to Kuusankoski gave me a peek to the busines side of the issue, whitch was pretty scare but very interesting.
keskiviikko 23. huhtikuuta 2014
AAVE 2014
I was documenting AAVE-festival for the second time now. Lots of interesting stuff going on, interesting experiments and nice atmosphere.
Jukka Hautamäkis setup
VJ Suvi Suvereeni & Mirva
Hiitola installation
NYKY Ensemble - An Index of Metals
Zabelka Mani Mäkelä - Z000
Astepback - Amorfia
Koostra & Van der Rijt
Jukka Hautamäkis setup
VJ Suvi Suvereeni & Mirva
Hiitola installation
NYKY Ensemble - An Index of Metals
Zabelka Mani Mäkelä - Z000
Astepback - Amorfia
Koostra & Van der Rijt
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