There is very little paddings inside Domke bags. Different kinds of paddings and deviders can be added depending on ones needs.

I have always liked Domke bags. They are not perfect, but often a good a very good compromise between price and quality. Cheaper brands like Lowepro are usyally pretty plasticy and impossible to repair. More expensive brands like Billingham use better materials, but cost like crazy and look too posh for my taste.

The used F6 (on left) has seen pretty light use, atleast compered to my old F802 (on left). Leather, jersey and other materials on F802 have been added later. Original material was Canvas only.

F5X (front left) was my first Domke bag, pretty small but perfect for MF film camera and a couple of lenses.

I have added quite a lot of leather on my bags, this patch was done by a local shoemaker.

Just tried it for one assignment, but F6 seems to be pretty good for my needs. It is quite small, but fits one body, 3 lenses and a flash easily. If I pack I can fit spare body and couple of zooms on my F802, I should be able to handle most of the stuff I do.
F6 does look more like a traditional camera-bag than my F802, which I do not like that much. Layout seems more practical thought, so I suppose I will get used to it.
Domke F6 is well designed bag. It is made from quality materials that feel good to use and wear out nicely. It is originally designed for film gear: I would recommend trying before buying it for new gear. It is pretty versatile though, so it can be customized to fit different kinds of gear.
How good is it, well ask me again in ten years or so and I will know more.
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